Sunday, July 29, 2012

Narrative Writing: Some highlights from Room 3's story writing

I had just splashed out on a new silver van. But had no idea what lay ahead.

I took the van for a test drive. When the radio man said "Newsflash: An elephant has just escaped from the zoo!" I snorted to myself "Who lets an elephant escape from a zoo?" At that precise moment the van flipped over. The last thing I saw was a huge gray creature charging away. "The elephant," I mumbled to myself. Then all went dark.

I woke an hour or so later in a bed. The pain was nothing I had ever felt before. It hurt from head to toe. I screamed "Owwwwwww!" I completely lost it. I screamed my heart out.

By Caleb

As I wake up in the morning feeling happy, I jump out of bed and I get dressed to go to a parade with the actors Pooh Bear. I see Pooh Bear and suddenly something catches the corner of my eye. I was Tigger the Tiger. I start to jump up and down. Just then I see other actors of Pooh Bear.

By Lachlan

Today's the day, when I am going to attack great heights," I whispered to myself in bed. I get up and race downstairs to eat breakfast. I did not really eat it, I stuffed it in and yelled "Toodles Mum!" "Wait. Where are you going?" she said anxiously. But I was out the door. I was going to ride an elephant today.

By Megan

As I sat in the car waiting for my parents to finish the grocery shopping, I suddenly looked out of my window and saw a great big elephant. The car started shaking, it felt like it was an earthquake.

Suddenly I saw the elephant walking backwards, I was so happy. I looked down and at that moment the car was on its side. I tried to get out my door but it was on its side. So I tried to get out the other way but it was too steep. So I sat there and hoped my parents would be back soon.

By Alice K

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