Sunday, April 29, 2012

Science Alive

On Thursday, the Year 5/6 classes had Science Alive visit us and by together we worked to solve a mystery. The Room 3 class began their 'Forensic Science' lesson first with John. John began by telling us a story about a Candy Shop with a missing recipe. He explained to the class about the various suspects and how the Room 3 children working in groups of five, would have to look at the evidence, conduct experiments and find the thief. The children first looked at comparing fingerprints and we had the statistics of the different types of fingerprints. The children used a magnifying glass to enhance the fingerprint. Also in the evidence container was a written note that had been wet causing the ink to run. John explained that separating colours is called Chromatography. The children separated the colour by filling a beaker with 50mL of water and holding a paper with various pen marks, just touching the water. Buster Simpson had written the note. By this time, all the children thought is was Buster, yet more experiments needed to be conducted. The children also tested chemical reactions and problem solving. All in all, the children had a lot of fun and got to see first hand how science experiments can be conducted. I would like to thank Kate (Emily's mum) and Mike (Madison's dad)who helped out with the Science Experiments. The children thoroughly enjoyed having another pair of hands in the class to assist. Thank you.

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