Thursday, March 15, 2012

No Longer Stranger's: First Impressions

Yesterday Room 3 began exploring the topic 'First Impressions' for our topic. The children looked at the Herman Grid. When looking at the grid grey dots appear however they are not really there. Explaining to the children that when we meet people, we can sometimes see grey areas on them and form our own first impression.
The children also looked at some optical illusions which are embedded below. See what you can find and ask your child for the answers.
Herman Grid

One part which was rather funny and unforeseen was when the children left the mat, they began asking each other 'What did you think when you first met me?' Some children remained quiet during these questions.

An area that the children found funny was watching the YouTube clips of Paul Potts and Susan Boyle. Explaining to the children that Paul Potts was in season 1 and Susam Boyle in season 2, they could not understand that the judges had not learnt that you can't judge people on first glance. Piper said it best, 'You can't judge a book by it's cover.'

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