Monday, February 13, 2012

No Longer Strangers - Recognising our Cultural Difference

Today in class the children designed a title page for our topic this term 'No Longer Strangers'. This topic is one of the Caritas topics we will be exploring this year.
The children will learn about
  • Friendships
  • Building relationships
  • Exploring who we are and the people that make up our society.
As we began to look at the topic we talked about who we are and how we fit into the classroom. In Room 3 we have a few people born in the United Kingdom and one person born in Australia. Not only that we have many people who have grandparents that have come over to New Zealand to live and raise their families.

This topic links closely to R.E. as well as Social Studies and Health.
More work from this topic will be published in the coming days.

Mister A

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