Friday, September 28, 2012


Happy Holidays Room 3. Keep in touch. Would love to hear about all the things you are doing in the holidays.

Coming shortly: the 3 videos. (Hopefully by Monday) If not email me and give me a reminder.

Te Reo Maori

Kia Ora,

The children in class have been learning how to write simple sentences in Maori and we will post all of their stories in the near future. But here is a teaser of the children's work. Hopefully there are no spelling mistakes.

Mr A

Ko __________ tenei
Click to view and read.

Religious Education: The Sacraments and Grace

The Sacraments and Grace

Sorry, I could not rotate the view. When looking at the children's work there is a button to do this.
Mr A

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kickball Champions

Room 3 defeated Room 5 in Kickball.

Fantastic Game 
Score: 14-9.
Thanks Mr Shea for letting Room 3 play.

Room 3 Player of the Day: Caleb - Awesome home run!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Te Reo Maori

Ko Rhys tēnei.
He ngeru ia.
He karaka ia.
He tipua ia.
Kei te tiro mākutu a Rhys.

Te Reo Maori: Creating a story

Learning Intention: 
I am learning to write a simple story by drawing a character, and using the sentence structures Ko _______tenei and He ___________ia.

Ko Rob tenei.
He poaka ia.
He kakariki ia.
Kei te mauiui a Rob.   

By Andrew G

ko joey tenei.
he kiore iti ia.
he kiwikiwi ia.
kei te noho a joey.

By Rhys B

Ko Bobby tenei.
He tohora ia.
He kiwikiwi ia.
Kei te noho a Bobby.

ByRhys B

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Athletics Photos

Four Room 3 children in this final.

Mr A in charge.

Christian is too fast for Rhys. 

Room 3 winning again.

Molly running the 1200m.

Athletics Results 2012

Below is a file of the results for children 9 years and older. Hopefully there are no errors.

This is not a list of students going to Zone Athletics. 

Athletics 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Singing in Room 3


Highlights from the OLA Athletics Day.

The teachers SMASHED the parents and house captains in the annual relay. (First time - Go staff)

Ellie, Emily and Piper made the finals of their sprints.

Molly made her first final in the sprints.

Charlotte won the 1000m for the 9 year olds.

Lachlan ran straight and did not cross the lanes.

More to be added...

Room 3 had many children in the running finals.

Long Distance - in 6 finals (9, 10 and 11 year olds), Room 3 won 4 of them.

4 Room 3 children won High Jump

4 Room 3 children won Long Jump

Week 10 Review

Dear Parents, 
Sorry I have not posted for a while, as I was swamped with Athletics planning and so forth. 

So what has happened since my last post? 
On Friday 14th September, the OLA children from Year 5 to 8 went to Hagley Park for the annual Catholic Winter Tournament. The day is about fun and participation, however teams do keep the score. The Year 5/6 Rugby team won its final and I have been told by the players many times of their glory. The Football teams played well and only had a couple of loses in their 6 rounds. The Hockey teams played well,although one team did not have a win, they said they enjoyed themselves. It was a FUN day for all. 

 Week 10: The children had Life Education, learning about how their body works - one child instead of saying the digestive system, said the diagram system. It was great learning for all.

 In Maths, the Room 3 class has been learning different strategies to solve division problems. Remember to try to get on Mathletics and Mathletics Live as it helps with reinforcing strategies and basic facts. 

Reading: The children are coming to the end of their novels. They had been working extremely hard in reading and understanding the text. The children have been responsible and focused in class, however it is near the end of the term and the children (also the teacher) need the break.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Narrative Writing: By Luke and Kieran

Escape to London

I was scared, very scared. I was frozen standing still like my life depended on it. I knew I had no choice, but hide...
“You can run but you can’t hide,’’ my dad said mercilessly. “This isn’t good,’’ I thought to myself. So I ran away.
Suddenly I thought to myself “I can go to another country.” So I got into an almost empty suitcase to the airport. I wonder where I am going?
“Welcome to London,’’ the flight attendant said.
After I snuck out by first exiting the suitcase I ran the quickest way out of Heathrow Airport.
After a week I found a case full of money, life looked pretty good.
It was the best week of my life I’ve been to several theme parks, the London Eye, Wembley Stadium, Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. Then I started really missing my parents.
On the news I saw the top story was about a boy missing from Christchurch gone without a trace then I heard a knock on my door.
My parents were at the door.


By Kieran Charlton & Luke Brennan

Narrative Writing: By Andrew G

Deserted Town
It’s quiet... too quiet, that can mean one thing I’m the only one in this deserted town. As goose bumps ran down my spine there was no one. No people, no animals, nothing except me.
After that bomb exploded; I know someone is out there and I know that for sure. Someone had to detonate that bomb. I thought to myself, “No one would suspect that anyone could have survived that.”  I’m sure I’m the only one alive.
No computers, no defence, no attack, no phone access.
To be continued...

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Town by Kieran C


It was quiet...too quiet that could only mean...that I was the only one left in town. I think to myself ‘’It can’t be.’’ Then I hear something in the biggest, very biggest house on the corner of the town. I was scared, very scared not wanting to go near the house. I then go to take one step but my feet wouldn’t move, they felt like lead. So I try my hardest to go and check out the house. I hear that strange noise again “It’s coming from the top stairs” I mumble to myself, just as I open the door...
Someone pulls me in, I try to escape but this ‘someone’ was too strong for me to handle. Suddenly, smash! My head banged against this pillar that was hanging from this dusty and rotten roof.  A few minutes later I find myself in this cage dangling from the ceiling, now I was very scared.  Then I feel something warm against my neck then I whisper to myself “this doesn’t feel good.” Then I slowly look back and then something leapt onto my body. This something said “nice to meet you, what’s your name?” I replied back “I ’m not telling you.”
BANG! I hear something coming from the distance then the something that leapt onto me vanished behind a box.
I think to myself “This is some strange house”, so I go to hide behind something but there is nothing so I stand still like my life depended on it. Now I can see the thing that made a big bang sound.  They are like the biggest creature I have ever seen.  I try to think quickly then at the top of my head, I think of a brilliant idea. I look at the top of the cage.  I’ve got this wire that can probably get me out of here, then I put it in the key hole, it fits. As I prepared to leave I asked the ‘something’ that went behind the box if it wanted to come with me. It did.

When we got out of the cage there was the creature 5m away so we got on top of the roof to escape this haunted house.
After we got out of the house, well haunted house. I said to the ‘something’ that came with me, “My name is Michael Craig and you are?”  “I am a monkey, a strange monkey”.
The only thing we have to do is get out of here so we make a plan.
An hour later here I am in the City of Cambridge with my little friend that helped me out of the house, well haunted house.
By Kieran C 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Art Attack week was great most people liked it we did weaving, puppets, stain glass windows, print making and painting personally my favourite was puppet making and with the puppets we used hot glue guns and alot of people burnt themself with the hot glue guns.