Thursday, June 21, 2012

Science Fair

Dear Parents,

Over the past week the children in Room 3 have been working extremely hard to complete their science boards for either their demonstration or investigation.
I have been pleased with the children's motivation and desire to present their work to a high standard. Already we have had 5 boards completed by Molly, Finn St, Brooke, Finn Sull, Charlotte and Alice K. These are in the classroom above the interactive whiteboard.

Next Tuesday in the school hall all science boards will be displayed from 9:00 to 3:15pm. Please come along and show your support.


Mister A
Brooke sharing her work with the teacher.
Someone is not focused on her work.

Conducting the experiment in class. Is their Iron in our Cereal?

It has been a tiring week.
Mr A did not take this photo as I am in the background.

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