Sunday, October 21, 2012

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents and Students,

 Welcome back to Term 4 and already we are one week down.

 So what is on this term?

  • We have Zone Athletics in Week 4 and the children will be having training most mornings and lunch time.
  • Also this term, the children will have two weeks of swimming lessons.
  • The children will be working through a mini Inquiry about Ancient Civilizations or Indigenous People. In class we will be looking at the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans as well as the Maori and Pacific Cultures.
  • In R.E. we have started the Communion of Saints strand.
  • Maths: We are beginning with Proportions and Ratio (Decimals, Fractions, Percentages and Ratios), moving on to Geometry.
  • Reading: Some children are working through novels, while other reading groups are doing investigations about news articles.
  • Writing: Last week we started exploring Persuasive Writing and at the end of the term we will be looking at Poetry.
If I can think of anything else, I will post it online.

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