Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mathematics: Fractions

In the Room 3 Maths class we have been looking at a few areas of understanding fractions.
The first is what fractions look like with objects for example what does a half look like, a third, a quarter etc.
This has led to looking at the difference denominators and numerators, and simplifying fractions.

This has been difficult for some children to understand, however we are going through activities thoroughly to ensure children are exposed to the concepts.

The second area we are exploring are fraction word problems. We are doing these activities as a class. We firstly read the problems, highlight keywords and then children try to solve. Those who have difficulties can choose to come down to the mat to work with me using materials.

Mathletics-approximately 20mins 4days a week
Basic Facts - timetables
Children will have homework on Fractions this week.

Inquiry: Ancient Civilisations

Dear Parents,

In our Inquiry the students watched a documentary/drama about the Rosetta Stone. The children took notes about this stone that was found in 1799 in Egypt. This was the breakthrough to understanding the hieroglyphs. The stone that was recovered in Rosetta or Rashid has three scripts; Hieroglyphs, Demotic (everday Egyptian) and Greek.

Some of the keywords the children wrote were:

  • 196BC Ptolemy
  • 1799 Rosetta
  • French found - lost to Britain after battle in 1802
  • French get to make a print copy.
  • Rosetta Stone in British Museum
  • Thomas Young - British - 
  • Jean Francois Champollion - French -  
  • Race to read hieroglyphs France vs Britain
  • Coptic language helps Champollion - Ray - Ra
  • He reads the cartouche of Ptolemy, Cleopatra and Ramses. 
  • 1822 Champollion deciphers hieroglyphs.

The notes the children have taken are now being constructed in to meaningful sentences in a small written report (paragraph) to show their understanding.

The children have started exploring topics for their independent inquiry.
Some areas of focus so far:
Vikings - Ships and expeditions
China - Great Wall and Celebrations
Maori - Technology
Egypt - Mummification, Pyramids, Culture
Romans - Roads

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ancient Civilization: Egypt

Construction of the Pyramids

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents and Students,

 Welcome back to Term 4 and already we are one week down.

 So what is on this term?

  • We have Zone Athletics in Week 4 and the children will be having training most mornings and lunch time.
  • Also this term, the children will have two weeks of swimming lessons.
  • The children will be working through a mini Inquiry about Ancient Civilizations or Indigenous People. In class we will be looking at the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans as well as the Maori and Pacific Cultures.
  • In R.E. we have started the Communion of Saints strand.
  • Maths: We are beginning with Proportions and Ratio (Decimals, Fractions, Percentages and Ratios), moving on to Geometry.
  • Reading: Some children are working through novels, while other reading groups are doing investigations about news articles.
  • Writing: Last week we started exploring Persuasive Writing and at the end of the term we will be looking at Poetry.
If I can think of anything else, I will post it online.